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I hope you enjoy my blog! If not, lie to me and tell me you read it anyway.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bordeaux Isn't Dead, It's Just Broken.

So, that’s what some people say: Bordeaux is dead! No one drinks it anymore! It’s too expensive, only really really rich people in Asia buy it, California is where all the good red wines are….etc.

But for the optimists, Bordeaux isn’t dead. It’s just broken.

I count myself as one of those optimists, albeit a reluctant one. Bordeaux has never been my favorite. I would rather drink an Italian, Rhone, sometimes a Malbec, or yes, a California Cabernet*.

But at some point this summer, I was in a room full of well-seasoned wine professionals and someone said those words: “Bordeaux isn’t dead, it’s just broken. And it’s our job to fix it”.

And my heart might have fluttered a bit. I do love a challenge. 

So, World, Wake UP! Got some wine for you to drink! It’s from a region in France called Bordeaux. Bordeaux makes some really good red wines with Cabernet and Merlot grapes. And,  if you do a little bit of leg work, you can find some great ones under $20!
Here are two: Chateau Fontenille and Chateau Brondeau. 

They are both Merlot based, and both are well under $20. I’m having them with Horseradish cheddar cheese, grapes and low-fat Triscuits and I’m watching The Voice... yes, you read that correctly, I am watching The Voice for some reason, and I’m trying to figure out what that reason is, and why are Cee-Lo’s arms so short and why does everyone think that the dude from Maroon 5 is so hot when clearly Blake Shelton is where it’s at and I don’t even like country music all that much but HOLY COW this CHATEAU BRONDEAU is SOOOOO GOOOOD!!! But so is this CHATEAU FONTENILLE! Do I have to pick just one?

Bordeaux! You are not DEAD, You are just IGNORED, and people have just forgotten about you. It’s not your fault we are a society of instant gratification (hell-OOO, I’m watching The Voice, why?) with very short attention spans (what is UP with Xtina’s boobs? They are GI-normous) and we just need to bring you back into our fold. You deserve a little patience. And, I may add, you are great food wine.Grilled rib-eye, possibly duck…you’re very versatile! So next time I want a good red wine, under $20, I just might grab a Bordeaux. Or two.  


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