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I hope you enjoy my blog! If not, lie to me and tell me you read it anyway.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

So... You Don't Own a Pair of Zombie Shoes?

Well, that is just a cryin' shame. Because I have a pair of Zombie Shoes!

My Aunt P (who will now be referred to as the Crafting Countess for future posts) found these shoes and pinned them on my Pinterest page, which I almost never look at, because I already have about 5 too many addictions, and can't we just all agree that Pinterest is the crack-cocaine of The Interwebs?
I digress.
I posted the shoes on Facebook with an open plea to world for someone (but I really meant the Boyfriend) for Goddess' Sake, please buy me these shoes or I will not be able to live another day on this earth!
Apparently my sister-in-law K. was the only one listening that day, and she purchased these lovely shoes for me! She understands how very important it is for me to have these in my wardrobe.

                                  Aren't they just coolest things ever? Are you jealous yet?

 Look at the bottom? What about now? Are you jealous now

Guess What? These Iron Fist Zombie Platform Shoes are made from 100% Man-Made Materials. Yes, the Flesh-Eating Shoes are VEGAN.

That's what I was doing when I opened the box with the shoes!!!!
Yay Zombie Shoes!!!!!!!!

I seriously need a pedicure now. After the pedicure I will show you a picture of my feet in the very special Zombie shoes.


  1. not just zombie shoes, but vegan zombie shoes. so, i think perhaps the events of sunday may just be a great debut for these

  2. Yay....so glad you got the blue bag!!!! We missed you last evening, hope your teaching course went well.
