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I hope you enjoy my blog! If not, lie to me and tell me you read it anyway.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

G-POST April 19 2012

Good Thursday Everyone!
First of all, Thank you for all of the sweet thoughts for me and the BF for our wedding anniversary yesterday. We are good together, and better with our friends and family.

So, Here is Spanky in one of his favorite spots, the couch. He only gets on when his blanket is down on his spot.

And, there were two comments/questions from last week's post:

BF: says, "Spanky loves The Pretty One (me) the most." I say, not true! He loves whomever is rubbing his belly at the time.

Sammy Cakes asked: " How much fun is it to chase chickens?" A little background info for you all: Spanky came to us from the Country, where he was a Redneck Yard Dog, whose favorite thing in the world was to chase, and ultimately dine on, the Neighbor's Chickens. Neighbor 'bout had enough and was gonna solve that problem as one does in the Country, etc... So now Spanky is a City Dog. He loves it more than being a Redneck Yard Dog, although he does go back often to visit his Country Cousins.
So, to answer your question Sam, I don't think Spanky misses Chasing Those Chickens one single bit, because now he's fat and gets his belly rubbed and goes on long walks and everybody loves him. And he gets couch time.


  1. I think he does miss chasing chickens.

  2. He chases me whenever I'm visiting but that might be because I give a good belly rub.
