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I hope you enjoy my blog! If not, lie to me and tell me you read it anyway.

Friday, April 20, 2012

I Would Re-Create The Big Night Dinner

I love a good culinary challenge, assuming it's not a wedding cake, or involves butchering something bigger than my dog. Otherwise, bring it on. I Ain't Skeered.
So I have been threatening for a while to throw A Big Night dinner party. If you have not seen the movie, you must! Got directly to Netflix as soon as you are done reading this. It has three of my favorite things: Louis Prima's music, Food and Isabella Rossellini (I dare you to say her name once. You can't. You have to say it over and over again: EES-ah-Bell-Ah ROHSS-ah-Leen-ee, EES-ah-Bell-Ah ROHSS-ah-Leen-ee)
The Piece de Resistance is Il Timpano.

                                                              It looks like this:

                               Il Timpano courtesy of Proud Italian Cook. Great recipes!!!

                                                       It should taste like this:

I have been cooking for two days already: Sauce, Meatballs, Dough. i have even made the Ricotta filling for Cannolis! B T Dubs, if you live in  Birmingham, Western bakery in Mountain Brook has Cannoli Shells.
Stay Tuned Amici!

1 comment:

  1. Will you make it this summer in Seattle? Love how it should taste!
